
The Shannon-Weaver Model of Communication

The model was created in 1948 by Claude Elwood Shannon, and published in Warren Weaver's book The Mathematical Theory of Communication. It takes a formulaic approach to describing how information if communicated. Below in a diagram that will help visualize Shannon's model which includes the information source, message, transmitter, signal, noise source, received signal, receiver, the message and destination.

Using an example will help you understand and remember the model. A radio advertisement for the television show Ugly Betty is drafted in a meeting room (information source), the created message are sent to a sound studio where sound bites and recordings are made distributed to radio stations (transmitters), the signal is sent and along the way, as it reaches listeners ears there are other distractions like car horns and people talking (noise), the sounds (signals) reach the listeners ears (receiver) who comprehends what is being said by decoding the sound bites and information. The message has reached its destination.

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